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NCTCOG Transportation Update Meeting
April 9, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Learn about transportation in the region and help set future priorities. The Regional Transportation Council and North Central Texas Council of Governments, together serving as the metropolitan planning organization for the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1974, are seeking public input.
Public Meeting
Monday, April 9
6:00 pm
Garland Police
Administration Building
1891 Forest Lane
Garland, TX 75042
The Arlington meeting will be live streamed at www.nctcog.org/video (click on the “live” tab). A video recording of this meeting will also be online at www.nctcog.org/input.
Mobility 2045: Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas
Mobility 2045 will define a long-term vision for the region’s transportation system and guide spending of federal and state transportation funds. This includes funding for highways, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and other programs that can reduce congestion and improve air quality. Draft recommendations will be presented. More information, www.nctcog.org/mobility2045.
Work Program Modifications
The Unified Planning Work Program for regional transportation planning provides a summary of the transportation and related air quality planning tasks to be conducted by the metropolitan planning organization. Proposed modifications to the FY 2018 and FY 2019 UPWP will be presented.
2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a federally and state-mandated list of projects with committed funding for construction or implementation within a four-year period. Staff will present the draft list of projects to be funded between 2019 and 2022.
Air Quality Update
Ten counties in the Dallas-Fort Worth area are designated as non-attainment for the pollutant ozone, and the transportation sector is a major pollution source. Staff will present an overview of air quality improvements, recent ozone standard changes and a summary of local programs anyone can join to help improve air quality.
Comments & Questions Title
Email: transinfo@nctcog.org
Website: www.nctcog.org/input
Fax: 817-640-3028
Phone: 817-695-9240
Mail: P.O. Box 5888
Arlington, TX 76005