It’s hard to believe that four years have passed since I announced my first campaign. Since then we’ve gone through a city charter election, three mayors, a tornado, a pandemic, a bond program, and more slices of pie that I’d care to count. As members of the City Council are limited to three consecutive terms, this will be my last race.
Every accomplishment is a team accomplishment. No elected official can do it on their own. Some of these I started, some I did the lion’s share of work on, some I participated in, some were handed to us by previous councils, and some I only voted on. Here is a list of accomplishments that I’ve had the privilege to be a part of since I took office in 2017.
• 2019 Bond Program Passage
• Animal Services – analyzed operations and proposed changes to improve adoption rate and quality of care
• Animal Shelter replacement
• Animal Sterilization Ordinance
• Carver Center Remodel and Re-dedication
• Makerspaces added to the GDC
• Changed water rates in the city to a Cost of Service model to distribute cost more fairly
• City Charter review and election
• Requested a Cultural Arts Master Plan
• Cut the city’s lobbying budget by 65%
• District 8 Published Agenda
• Drafted the policy document on Non-Profit Use agreements
• EWS policy change – allowed new homeowners to ‘reset’ their bulk collection count to zero
• Dog Park Completed
• Granger Center Rec Renovation
• Held semi-annual budget meetings with the public
• Held the semi-annual Town Hall meetings for the district
• Supported a homeless outreach officer and funding for crisis intervention and mental health training for police
• Kraft Plant and Epiroc Enterprise Zone Designations
• Lowered Water Rates in Perpetuity
• Naaman School Rd funding and rebuild
• OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Revamp and Cost Reductions
• Parkland Hospital satellite clinic expansion
• Professional review of all IT/IT Security Audits
• Red Light Camera Study
• Required all boards, commissions, committees, and other meetings to be recorded and available to the public
• Residential Parking Enforcement Program
• Restaurant Closures for repeatedly failing health scores
• Restaurant Parklets
• Restaurant posting of health scores in a prominent location
• Retirement Stability Benefit for First Responders
• Authored revamped rules for boards and commissions
• Senior and Homestead exemption annual rate review (and change in 2020), last adjusted 15-20 years ago
• SH78 Realignment History and Analysis
• SH78 Landscaping Plan
• Shiloh Rd Rebuild
• Sidewalk Replacement and Cost Share Programs
• Skate park under construction
• Authored the SLIM budget method – a soft sunset review and zero-base budget rebuild for all city departments every 10 years
• Streamlined City ‘Commit to Wellness’ Program
• Brought “The Wall That Heals” to Garland
• Tornado response and recovery in District 8
• VA Hospital / Medical District / TIF3
• Visiting Dignitary policy author
• Winters Park Lighting Project
• Authored an Analysis of Day Labor Center operations
• Fought for a steady, annual Youth Boxing Gym funding source
There is still much to be done over the next two years. Today I’m asking for your support in order to finish the agenda we’ve started.
In the next few weeks, we will be gathering the signatures needed for a place on the May 2021 ballot. This will be made more difficult by the necessary steps that we will need to take in order to keep ourselves and each other safe during the pandemic. We will be as innovative as possible to ensure your safety.
As always, while financial contributions are appreciated, your verbal support with friends and family, your petition signature, and your vote are the most important things. Be safe, be blessed, and I would be grateful for your support in 2021.