Naaman School Rd / Brand Rd Update

One of the issues that I ran on in 2017 was traffic congestion relief on Naaman School Road. While we know that this will be a difficult, expensive project, we also know that it shouldn’t take fifteen minutes during rush hour to travel less than one mile. The bottleneck negatively affects area residents, the high school, the career center, the convention center and the various small businesses along the corridor.

As a part of the consent agenda Tuesday night, the council voted to start the Brand Rd / Naaman School Rd alignment study that was approved in the 2018 CIP budget.

The study will include:
“… analysis of right-of-way constraints, bridge lengths, utility constraints, traffic, hydraulics, hydrology, and multimodal components. Up to three alternate alignments and typical sections will be developed and analyzed for each road including an Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. The information will be used to develop preferred alignments, conceptual designs, and construction budgets.”

The study will begin this year and will go into early 2019. It is my hope that we can create a plan and make a firm decision regarding these major thoroughfares in early 2019.