Taco Bodega, a local taqueria, applied for a beer/wine variance. Due to its proximity to North Garland High School, permission of the city council was needed in order to sell beer.
My comments on the case were:
I visited there last week and had lunch. It had a very nice, clean atmosphere and I think they are going to do well long-term. There are three businesses in that area that are licensed to sell beer and wine today: Taste of Italy, Wing Stop and the RaceTrac just next door sells as well. So, I’d like for …[Bodega] … to have the ability to freely compete in that established market. I don’t feel like we’re introducing something near a school that isn’t already there today. So I’ll make a motion to approve the request.
The motion passed 9-0.
Taco Bodega received an 82 on its January 2017 health inspection. It is located in the shopping center on the southeast corner of Buckingham and Shiloh road.